As you are created in the image of the God who made everything, you are made to create.


Shape, mold, dance, move, paint, write, draw, design, photograph
to reflect God, to reveal God, and to create a more good and beautiful world.

As you are created in the image of the God who made everything, you are made to create.

All That Is Made

Our first printed content book. A guide to faith and the creative life. Humans are creative; it is a quality embedded in the fabric of our being, and a reality that reflects our existence as being made in the image of God.

This book is a compilation of our past e-books and new reflections, serving as the beginning of a conversation that allows readers to engage their faith and creativity against the larger backdrop of the God who has made all that is made.

All That Is Made
Launching May 28th

Our first printed content book. A guide to faith and the creative life. Humans are creative; it is a quality embedded in the fabric of our being, and a reality that reflects our existence as being made in the image of God.

This book is a compilation of our past e-books and new reflections, serving as the beginning of a conversation that allows readers to engage their faith and creativity against the larger backdrop of the God who has made all that is made.


Shape, mold, dance, move, paint, write, draw, design, photograph to reflect God, to reveal God, and to create a more good and beautiful world.

All That Is Made

Our first printed content book. A guide to faith and the creative life. Humans are creative; it is a quality embedded in the fabric of our being, and a reality that reflects our existence as being made in the image of God.

This book is a compilation of our past e-books and new reflections, serving as the beginning of a conversation that allows readers to engage their faith and creativity against the larger backdrop of the God who has made all that is made.


Books made for your creativity

All That Is Made


Hardcover Gray Paper Notebook


The Book of Psalms


Readings and resources
Because your creativity should never be done alone. View all here.

Readings and resources
Because creativity should never be done alone. View all here.

Morning Practices to Cultivate Creativity

Lessons in keeping the morning sacred and why it matters for our creating.

Recovering The Garden Experience In Our Creative Calling

In the midst of a culture of speed and efficiency, we are invited to courageously advance creativity by reaching back to its simple origins.

Art Is The Symbol That Moves Us Towards Restoration

We explore the prophetic edge of art and how it points towards renewal.

Morning Practices to Cultivate Creativity

Lessons in keeping the morning sacred and why it matters for our creating.

Recovering the Garden Experience In Our Creative Calling

In the midst of a culture of speed and efficiency, we are invited to courageously advance creativity by reaching back to its simple origins.

Art Is The Symbol That Moves Us Towards Restoration

We explore the prophetic edge of art and how it points towards renewal.

Be a part of the creative journey

Be a part of our growing creative community. Join to be the first to know about resources, gatherings, and products—to grow your creative faith.


* indicates required

Products made for your creativity

All That Is Made


Hardcover Gray Paper Notebook


The Book of Psalms


Be a part of the creative journey

Be a part of our growing creative community. Join to be the first to know about resources, gatherings, and products—to grow your creative faith.


* indicates required


Tag a photo of you living out your creative faith with @alabaster_co and #madetocreate and we may feature it below.









Tag a photo of you living out your creative faith with @alabaster_co and #madetocreate and we may feature it below.




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